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You can read this book in an afternoon with a cup of tea and then use it to keep your teacup from leaving a ring on your table. Actually, that may be a perfect metaphor for FLOW—Finding Love Over Worry. What if you could do a few simple things so the worry of life doesn’t leave a mark?

Kelley Wolf had a stack of beloved, life-changing books on her side table, but found herself weighed down by the size and scope of their to-do lists. She craved something simpler, more accessible … A recipe for feeling more flow in her life.

Kelley created the easy-to-follow FLOW technique after a decade of working with her individual and corporate coaching clients. In the process, she used FLOW to survive postpartum depression and to ease her own chronic health crisis and the worry of everyday life.

 With tools like the 3M’s and The Circles of Service—and maybe even a perfect cookie recipe—you will quickly see how easily you can move into a life of FLOW.






This is a life recipe

Throw in a little bit of this and a little bit of that and watch your life shift. Have you ever made a cookie recipe? It is a pile of random individual ingredients until you mix them together and something magical happens.

FLOW will guide you on your path to inner peace

The FLOW practice uses simple, doable techniques like the 3 M’s and the Circles of Service, to shift your mindset until one day…flow.

The definition of worry is: give way to anxiety or unease; allow one's mind to dwell on difficulty or troubles

Did you read that? “Give way”…YOU have a choice in the matter. Worry is a thought pattern that is rooted in a choice. You can choose not to worry. I know…just read the book.

We know you have heard these before and for some reason they go in one ear and out the other

FLOW will keep them inside your ears where they belong. In FLOW you learn, your brain is plastic and by repeating this simple recipe, you will shift everything in your life.

As individuals it is our duty to offer love

As a collective, living in love, we chan shift the future of our world. If more of us choose to FLOW, if more of us choose to love, we can impact the world around us and do our part to leave this planet better than we found it.

The world feels more unsettled than ever, that may or may not be true but we are all feeling disconnected

FLOW offers advice to challenge the divisiveness in our world and get us back to a place of peace.

This book has actual recipes

You heard that right. And if you don’t cook or you hate to cook, skip them. They are only here as a reminder. Do you know what sweeps you off your feet and into flow? Is it cooking, hiking, reading or writing? FLOW will help get you back to your passions.

Worry is the thief of all joy

Not trauma, not suffering, but worry. Worry is when we get trapped on a looped thought, based on a negative outcome. Nope. Not anymore.

Chapter 19

I’ve saved this story for the end. If you have made it this far with me, we are now in this together. We are committed to waking up to the possibilities that life has in store for us.

After I came up with the recipe for FLOW, I was ecstatic. I was intrigued to see if I could live by my own words and what they would create.

Flow was a destination I craved, like all of us. I loved being in that unbounded feeling. I had felt it skydiving, in kisses and through achievement. I felt flow in my creative life as well, moments of time when time disappeared, and I felt no angst. I felt present and enthralled. It is the most pristine state of being I have ever felt. The idea that there could be a guide to more of that feeling landed like a revelation.

I was sitting at my desk in a state of flow, writing up FLOW as a system. How could it be explained? Would people understand what I was sharing? It was so easy, and yet so hard to translate at first. 

I started questioning and second-guessing myself. How could something so simple feel so powerful? Was I overreaching? Who did I think I was? Then I saw it. FLOW is WOLF spelled backwards. WOLF is my last name. I had to look at it a few times to be sure. How had I never seen this? I felt dizzy with magic. It felt like this discovery was destined and I was in full alignment with my purpose. I felt flow.

I often talk about something I call the “breadcrumbs of your life.” I have read this metaphor in books and heard it from col-leagues; I am far from the first to use it. Breadcrumbs are little magic moments, conversations, meetings or incidents that help guide your course. They may show up in startling synchronicity. They may show up in the form of an animal sighting or a piece of garbage left on the ground with the exact symbol you needed to see—or the perfect anagram.

To believe in breadcrumbs, you need to believe in a little bit of magic, the kind we cannot explain. A hundred butterflies showing up to your wedding or a storm that canceled a trip that would have left your house to burn down from an electrical fire. (All breadcrumbs I have been told over the years.)

One of my favorite breadcrumb stories is the one about meeting my husband. I was living in New Orleans in an un-healthy relationship when I was asked to go to Mexico to film another show for MTV, the “Real World/Road Rules Challenge.” I had sworn o! reality TV, and I was conflicted, but I decided to go with the caveat that I would ask the other teams to vote me o! first. That way, I would get paid for my participation, I could have a fun trip to Mexico, and I wouldn’t have to be on the show. 

I arrived in Mexico, and we filmed the opening sequences. I planned to share my request with the group that night at dinner, but in the afternoon, the producer came to our house and calmly said we needed to move to a safer area—a hurricane was about to hit the coastline. 

It was the most devastating hurricane the area had experi-enced in over fifty years. The electricity was knocked out, bridges tumbled, and we were told to shelter in place. For two weeks, food and water were rationed, and we waited. We began to bond. We were no longer competitors; we were just a bunch of people trying to ride out a storm and survive. I fell in love with the people around me. We told stories over candlelight at night, played music, told jokes, and drank the plethora of tequila that seemed to have survived the storm. 

When it was time to start filming, I didn’t want to go home. I decided to change my plan and let this play out. There was just one thing—I was the smallest, weakest person in the cast. I had not planned to compete, and now I was going up against profes-sional athletes. 

The first competition was called Vertical Limit, a climb up a 150-foot rope using buoys attached every five feet. I had never climbed a rope, and I watched the most athletic people in the group barely make it. When it was my turn, I took a deep breath and hoped not to look foolish. Instead, I climbed the entire rope, straight up. I beat everyone. Even the camera operator sat with his mouth gaping open. What just happened?! 

That win moved my teammate and me to the top of the leader board and there we stayed until, by what seemed a miracle, we won the entire show. 


Kelley Wolf is a certified life coach who holds a degree in Clinical Psychology from Westminster College. She has had a thriving private practice for over a decade and worked with hundreds of individuals and companies to challenge thoughts and use FLOW to change the patterns of their behavior. 

She is an avid traveler and has lived around the globe. She began her career in television and continues to work for major outlets like Viacom CBS and Paramount Plus. Kelley grew up in the beautiful hills of Northwest Arkansas and has moved more than twenty times. She currently resides in Park City, Utah, with her husband and three kids, where she is committed to munching, moving, and meditating each day.

Dear beloved reader,

When cooking, we use a recipe to get the outcome we are hoping for. We throw out what doesn’t work and we repeat what does. As we get more comfortable with our skill, we learn to trust our instincts and add a dash of this or a dash of that. The same is true in life. There are recipes for peace and FLOW is one of them.

I hope this is the recipe with all the stains on the pages because it means you have fallen in love the same way I have. It also means you are in on the joke, once we understand that love is the answer, we can relax, we can laugh, we can learn to let go and let FLOW. Enjoy this book and really, try the lemon bars.


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