This morning… another confirmation about the power of celery juice. Because last week… Oops… I did it again… I thought, “There is no way that that celery juice is why I have been feeling better”… and I took a few days off… again… AND the chronic pain came back in full force. Why does it take starting and stopping and starting and stopping to TRULY understand the power of something. Celery juice is changing my health. There, I said it… I thought it was a fad or just the KALE of today. It is not. Something has changed in my health journey that is directly correlated with my daily intake of celery juice.
I get it… it’s a pain in the ass. Everyday, wake up and make the organic, celery juice at home (although, if there was an organic juice place in my little mountain town, I may pop in there instead). You know what is way more of a pain in the EVERYTHING… being in chronic pain! I have been living with chronic pain for years connected to a diagnosis of EDS (Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome). Now, to be clear, I have a unique relationship with dis-ease. I don’t believe in taking ownership of the disease. I believe I am fighting this diagnosis but I don’t OWN it… it is not MINE, it is just here… for today and I will do what I can to fight back. My fight has been complex and long. When I say, I have tried EVERYTHING… you better believe I have. There are a handful of things that are signed, sealed and delivered to my heart and soul as truth in my healing journey and one of them is most definitely… celery juice. Cheers!
Tell me if you drink celery juice below… and if so, has it helped you?
What are your food obsessions that have had a powerful impact on your health journey?
Let us in on the secrets… sharing is caring you guys!! LOL.
I got my hypothyroid diagnosis about 3 1/2 months ago, the medication then ensued. I felt some relief and I had ordered the book Thyroid Healing on Audible by Medical Medium Anthony William, and just could not listen to it, I needed to put the book in my hands, (thanks by the way)! I committed to juicing celery every morning for the past 3 weeks, religiously, and most recently I have had to back down off my medicine as my thyroid seems to be kicking in again, with some uncomfortable side effects, but I do see the power in this… Read more »
Celery juice helps my RA so much but I get lazy…and it’s expensive. But, it works. And, I think Medical Medium is on to something, across the board.
Cutting out dairy and sugar…which is very hard for me. I’m thinking about ice cream right now lol halo top makes a dairy free option so that’s a good start I guess 😉 -Lauren Rachael
I tried it a couple times! I didn’t do it long enough to notice significant changes but I will try it again! Saving up to buy a juicer, is there one you recommend? My favorite healthy, go to is beets!! I love them so much, they are so grounding! Beet smoothies, salads, juice! Namaste ??